I’d heard about CrossFit first on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast about 6 years ago, they were talking about how freakish the athletes were and I wanted to be freakish too. That led me to look into it where I discovered the Barbell Shrugged podcast, and then on to the wider CrossFit community. I found UNIT 22 shortly after that.
I’d been a member of various gyms since I was 16 and tried several programs, Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, The Cube Method Brandon Lilly and 5×5 (which is why I’m so massive now). Obviously, none of it stuck, I got bored quickly. CrossFit has solved that problem.
I’ve gained weight, I’ve injured myself and I’m tired. IT’S RELENTLESS. Honestly, what’s the point? No, seriously though, I’m physically stronger, fitter and have less physical ailments. More importantly, I feel like I’m mentally healthier. I’d argue I’ve experienced more mental benefits than physical, AND I’M SAYING THAT SITTING HERE WITH THIS ROCKIN’ HARD BOD GUYS. When you think about it there isn’t any aspect of life that isn’t improved by being generally healthier.
What keeps me coming? I get so many benefits from going to UNIT 22. Physical, mental, social. I occasionally skip class and stay in bed because I work too much but that’s absolutely fine and I DON’T NEED YOU GOING ON AT ME ALL THE TIME, GREG. If I have a few days off I notice the negative impact fairly quickly. We all know the benefits of exercise and community so depriving yourself of that isn’t wise.
I’d say to somebody who was considering going – It depends on were you’re coming from and what your background is. I hadn’t played a team sport since school, I drank too much, I smoked too much, I ate too much chocolate and had only really been casually working out so it was quite a challenge for me at the beginning (I also understood that it was my fault). I saw people at the gym that I wanted to be/look like and could see what it takes to get there, that was a big motivator for me. I could see what was possible and how it was possible, which is why I now look like Jamie Warr ;0)